Thursday, June 30, 2011

Genuine Clairvoyance (Keep Your Mind At Home And Improve Yourself)

The best way in life to improve yourself and everything around you is self improvement, not improving anything definitively outside yourself. Sure, that sounds closed minded and foolish in a sense. But, it really is not. Give me a chance to explain. Sure, controlling others instead of your self "sounds like fun" until you find that you have used your power wrongly. The right way to use your power is to benefit yourself by producing values for others and then they pay you for the services, not so much doing occult stunts and playing games of "power" and negative control with or on others.

Indeed, I quote and paraphrase Wallace D. Wattles in the most open minded way possible, "keep your mind at home where it will genuinely benefit you, for self mastery is more important than mastering others for the reason that to try to master others is inefficient envy or trying to live through someone else, both of which are logical and genuine impossibilities in practice and reality." Think and think deeply about that statement. All power comes from within us it is said? Well, more accurately then, all power is controlled from within us, but it does not come from within, it comes from existence God or the genuine almighty creator of us who are conscious, which I do believe deeply and no longer have any doubts about. Think about it, though, existence is the vehicle and we are the driver who controls it. That is what the statement "all power comes from" within really is "code" for: that sort of control over reality. In short, as "sons and daughters of existence or God," we are in the driver seat.

So, destructive occult stunts of controlling people other than ourselves and doing "tricks" is genuinely unnatural and unneeded at a very deep level once we realize our full genuine capabilities, and on top of that it is rather silly once it becomes a common ability that anyone can do normally. That is also my point. Nothing is amazing under the sun, except what is first discovered for the first few minutes that first person discovers it. Then after it becomes the normal thing to do, the next trick is discovered until all is discovered and "there is nothing new under the sun." So, do you see the logic when I say in my way, "keep your mind at home." So, when it is said that your kingdom is under your feet, you have an idea what is meant by that.

If you do not, get a mass market paperback version of the Dr. Russell Herman Conwell lecture "Acres of Diamonds" that he gave at Temple University in the early twentieth century. No one is a genuine failure that is genuinely realistic, honest and real all the way through especially when it comes down to keeping your mind at home the way I describe. So, what am I saying? No envy, no control stunts outside of yourself, and no misusing your power. Master yourself. Sure, I teach what I learn deeply and understand to the fullest through some of my worst and best experiences, in that order. But to master everything genuinely, you must master yourself first. That fact was even in all the "Karate Kid" and every Bruce Lee style Kung Fu or Karate movie ever made. The real magic is under your feet, all you have to do is discover it. I end there, because to my way of thinking, there is no other place than home to keep your mind, and you now have an idea of what I mean by "home," so I rest my case. Go master yourself, that is where it is at anyway.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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