Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Is it a Pagan Ritual to Worship Your Smart Phone?

Indeed, many people who have challenges in their life turn to their invisible friend for help. They call this invisible friend; God. I suppose that is a good name for an invisible friend, after all it is not a four-letter work; it's three. Plus, in reality they are really asking themselves the question in their own minds. Now folks are relying on their smart phones to give them all the answers they seek, yep, on just about every topic known to humankind. Okay so, isn't that really a substitute for their "invisible friend" or their God if you will?

In a way this brings them back out of their selves and puts their focus on an object, one which is becoming a very important tool, a crutch, and a tool which helps them maintain confidence, constantly feeding their ego, self-esteem, and validating them as important, all thanks to a group of invisible virtual friends of course, where their whole identity is lost in a sea of information, which somehow has them believing they are an important fish in the mob of humanity?

For those who go longer rely on an invisible friend, and have completely turned to technology to answer all their questions, including; where do I go, what do I do, how do I live my life, and where would I like to go today; in essence they are relying on a little device to give them answers, rather than using their own reasoning to decide what they're going or what they are going to do. Worse, all this mobile technology is also streamlined with information flows from social networks.

Why is this a problem you ask? Because the whole of humanity, with all of its problems, and the political correctness involved with groupthink is causing people to make choices that are outside the realm of common sense. In other words they are making choices which are not in their own best interests. Some would say yes, but that's okay because now they belong to the whole and are making decisions which are better for everyone.

Of course, therein lies a problem; if everyone is making decisions for everyone else excluding yourself, then no one will be happy with their lives, or the choices they've made. In fact they are no longer making their own choices, as they are making the choices that everyone else in society is expecting them to make. Whereas, someone who is talking to an invisible friend, is still talking for themselves, even if they don't know it or have convinced themselves they are talking to their god.

Are you beginning to see the problem with the pagan ritual of worshiping your smart phone? Be careful what you wish for, and be careful when you ask questions on your mobile technology devices.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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