Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If This Was a Test - You Humans Have Made Poor Showing

In many religions the followers believe that life is a test, and if you do well here, live with integrity, and do the right thing, you will be rewarded with eternal life in a place called heaven. That seems to be an interesting way to live your life, and indeed probably a good philosophical theory to help one live a life of honesty. The concept also helps everyone get along and thus, in line with authority and fairness to their fellow man.

Many non-believers have charged that people of faith often do not live up to the ideals that they purport, but is that really a fair condemnation, considering that folks of all different religions, and of no religion at all don't necessarily live up to their ideals either. In other words, it doesn't appear to be a problem with religion, or non-religion, there appears to be a problem with hypocrisy amongst the humans. Many science fiction authors have said that humans cannot be trusted, or that humans are mostly harmless except to themselves.

Now then, if this was a test, I am sorry to say that you humans have made a very poor showing. That is to say, not only do not live up to the ideals of freedom and liberty, but you are not even good to your fellow man, or yourselves. You plot, conspire, and manipulate your own kind. You cause war, death, and purposely create crisis, sometimes for the sake of opportunity, and sometimes just for the hell of it.

Where is the honor in that?

Yes, if this was a test you humans have made a pathetic showing, and one has to ask if humans are even a viable species, or if the species should be allowed to continue and colonize other worlds. Indeed, humans have come a long way, but to what avail, how long will it be until humans wipe themselves out? They can't seem to get along with themselves, find inner peace, or create a stable society and civilization. One could say that this species is in its adolescence, and that needs to grow up.

Still, there's been more than ample time for that to happen, and I'd like to ask the Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and every other religion on earth - is this the best you can do? Is this all you've got? Are you ready to be judged, do you actually think you are worthy? And for all you non-religious subscribers, those of you who claim not to believe in human superstition, are you really any nobler.

That is the question I ask, but don't answer me, perhaps it's time that you, the individual, and follower of your faith had a look in your own mirror, and consider your reflection.

I am not pleased.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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