Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sharing My Knowledge on Vedanta - Mahavakyas

Mahavakyas enable the seeker to arrive at the non-dual nature of the Self and put an end to the bondage by declaring the knowledge of the Atman and Brahman. The four mahavakyas can be interconnected.

There are four Vedas and one statement from each Veda signifies each vakya (statement)

Mahavakya Meaning Upanishad Veda

1 Prajanam Brahma-Consciousness is Brahman-Aitreya Upanishad-Rg Veda

2 Ahambrahmasmi-I am Brahman-Brahadaranyaka Upanishad-Yajur Veda

3 Tat Tvam asi-That thou art-Chandogya Upanishad-Sama Veda

4 Ayamatma Brahma-This Self is Brahman-Mandukya Upanishad-Atharvana Veda

The concept of how the four Vedas are interconnected is explained by interlacing a beautiful story between a student and a vedantic teacher.

The student, a vedantic disciple approaches the teacher and seeks to be taught about the ultimate Truth. The Guru defines the Truth - Prajanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahman). This statement is called Laksana vakya, a statement of definition because it describes Brahman.

The student gets a feeling that the Guru is referring Brahman as the Self but he always thought that the Brahman was different from him. So he goes back to the teacher for clarification.

Guru now presents the statement 'Tat Tvam asi' (That thou art) and declares that the seeker is the sought! Since this statement is 'teaching' is Upadesa vakya -statement of instruction.

The student now bestowed with the knowledge intellectually that 'the Self is the non-dual' focuses on mediation and with dispassion & discrimination, overcomes the belief that the body, mind and intellect are conditioning on the Self and directly experiences the Brahman -Aham brahmasmi (I am Brahman), anubhava vakya, a statement of experience.

Once the student has realizes this state, the teacher advises him to revel and abide in this knowledge. This nature of abidance is 'Ayam atma Brahma'- 'This Self is Brahman', is 'anusandhana vakya', 'a statement of constant practice.'

The student never loses sight of this experiential knowledge even when transacting with the world around him/her.

This logical sequence provides a road map to listen(sravana), reflect (manana), contemplate (nidhidyasana), experience (samdhi)and stay on course (nistha) firmly.

Awesome Power is an organization committed to encourage, motivate, inspire, coach and support individuals to believe in themselves and reach their fullest potentially in all areas of their life.

The author of this article is a Life Coach, Changing Agent, Motivational Speaker, Professional Writer, dedicated to make a difference in other's lives. The author is also deeply interested in spiritual studies and believes our life is the consequences of our own actions and that the spiritual study is the way for inner peace. We are on this earth to realize that all is ONE and that ONE is in all.

Your feedback is appreciated.

View the original article here

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