Monday, June 27, 2011

The Philosophy of Nothing - A Good Coffee Shop Conversation

Have you ever pondered the possibility and power of a concept? How about the concept of nothing, the concept that there is a place somewhere, which is unknown, and can never be known, were nothing actually exists. And in this place of nothing, where ever it might be, where ever this concept might exist, it would be something at that point in time and space.

Are you beginning to see the philosophical conundrum in this? After all, nothing would have to be somewhere, some unknown location, and were ever that place might be, it is. And if it is, that is to say if it's been nothing is, then it exists and therefore nothing exists. But how can nothing exist when we see everything that we see. Is this just a fundamental circular argument of a flawed language or concept?

No, I don't think it is. In fact, if you read the book "Our Undiscovered Universe-Introducing All Physics-the Science of Uniform and Unconditional Reality" by Terence Witt. The author, a physicist takes us through all the mathematical equations which proves that nothing or null, does exist, and it exists everywhere, and that nothing is part of something, therefore everything and nothing have always existed, because they have to.

1. Nothing is Nowhere Because It Is Something And Always Has Been
2. Behind Everything Must Be Nothing
3. If Nothing Were Possible, Then It Would Be Something After All
4. If Nothing Is Nowhere, Then It Must Be Everywhere, Where Else Could It Be?

Now then, if you like to engage your mind, and you have a friend who would like to do the same, then may I suggest you go down to Starbucks and order an extra large latte with extra shots, and ponder the four statements above. I think what you'll find is all four statements are true, and you cannot reason your way out of it. And yes it might be a philosophical conundrum, but it also appears to be the reality of the world we live in as well as mathematically proven from a physics standpoint.

If you've always believed in the concept of nothing, which is a hard concept to grasp in the first place, from a definitional standpoint; that is to say the Oxford Dictionary definition. Even in the Oxford Dictionary itself has a hard time grasping a relevant definition. Indeed, I'd like you to please consider all this and think on it, and if you have any comments, questions, or concerns I'd like you to send me an e-mail. Bring your mind, and your philosophy hat and let's talk.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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