Thursday, June 30, 2011

Physics Vs Metaphysics And Mankind's Romance With Immortality

Physics defines the science of matter and energy and interactions between the two, popularly seen as a study of quantum theory, transmission of discrete energy units, and quantum mechanics, the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules.

Metaphysics represents the branch of philosophy concerned with reality's nature, including the relationship between mind and matter, fact and value, the corporeal and incorporeal, or the first principles of a particular discipline, a priori speculation.

As a tool of science, physics reflects a long romance between eminent thinkers and the theory of everything; as thinkers court an unseen but tantalizing essence surrounding the body of translucent matter. Even at this late date, recognized science fails in its quest to establish the Ultimate Particle. Likewise, in Metaphysics, academe and would-be scholars wrestle with yet another unseen and tantalizing essence, the particle of mankind able to attain immortality. But can such particle, as popularly defined, be an enabler succeeding desire. Here again, desire fails the mentality to properly access the emotion of self-preservation into an eternal abode.

* Firstly: eternity is misapprehended; biblically it means 'until the set time.'
* Secondly: the vehicle of choice selected for attainment is chanced with little more consideration than the roll of a dice.
* Thirdly: the true identity of principles and principals is totally ignored.
* Fourthly: the existence of specific time frames, or dispensations, or limits via the Ten Ages as mileposts are unwittingly overlooked. You cannot find the way without specific signposts.

So many errors occur in Bible interpretation and denominational one-upmanship as to make the entire 3000 choices to appear ridiculous. Does this author make wild accusations? Consider the strict limits to biblical salvation in Ezekiel 14:14 (speaking of faithfulness as a requirement in 'last days'): "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness,... they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered.... Even if you were eligible for judgment: What would be your chances? If we properly consider the restriction of principals and obsoleteness of application, proponents will suffer little chance of realizing morphosis into immortality.

Underground, in Berne, Switzerland, pulses a tremendous cyclotron; at a cost of billions, the construction can generate millions of electron volts (eV) (one photon can contain 13.6 eV). The scientists goal is to isolate the Ultimate Particle, physics' lifelong ambition. Just for kicks, this author will attempt to beat them to the punch: the Ultimate Particle projected at 4.4 x 10/33 lp/amu.

Resolution to the metaphysics of monotheism presents even a greater puzzle to exegetes trying to unravel ultimate understanding, limitedness, and restrictions in the biblical code. But such knowledge is available for enquiring and receptive minds, those eagerly and endlessly searching for the bottom line. Careful thought preceded the controversial conclusions now available.

As mankind contemplates the physical sciences, he also ponders the imponderable, how to save a piece of himself into immortal transcendency. What part of the ashes to ashes and dust to dust residue can we expect to assume coherency in the imponderable attainment. Was such ever a valid proposition? Where did we get this idea? Did we twist an ideograph to suit our own desperate desire? Indeed, advanced studies are available to settle the atheism/theism debate and answer the age-old question about immortality and an alternate destiny to nihility.

Ben Winter, particles physicist, Bible scholar, and author of "THE GREAT DECEPTION: Symbols And Numbers Clarified," reveals there 'is' something new under the sun -- that is, for modern Bible students. He addresses a correctness of language and true intent of the major Bible topics: solves Bible mysteries, defines Gog and Magog, reveals Daniel He-goat's surprising identity, and dares to number the all important Ten Ages. Sign up for FREE book critiques at and view more articles in blog format at

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